Careful Rodders!

Klich’s eye

Written by: Richard Finn
A photo showing the fateful moment when Rodrigo got all giddy and poked a finger into Mateusz Klich's eye

There was a moment that, with the feverish, mudded clarity of obsessive hindsight, I now completely pointlessly believe marks the transition from the good Leeds United that non-Leeds fans briefly and begrudgingly admired, back to the more classically shit Leeds United that everyone professes to hate, while also sort of pitying.

After the fourth goal in our 5-0 annihilation of West Brom – dressed as we were in fine claret, good legs, strong bodied and playing with more than a soupçon of panache – there was a ruction. A rupture in the emotional braiding of reality that marked the beginning of our dissolution. And I’m not saying it’s all Rodrigo’s fault. But it sort of is.

Two of the five goals scored that day were slightly shop-soiled relative to the other three resplendent left foot finishes. Firstly, Romaine ‘The Lettuce’ Sawyers dinked a perfect no-look OG past their stranded keeper. A total embarrassment of a goal that was accepted for the true nothing it was, with everyone jogging back to first positions, business-like, and ready to crack on and defeat them in a more substantive and rewarding manner.

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    Final Thoughts
    Don't Panic
    Wings Apparently
    The club that never sleeps
    Oop North
    Still Here
    Archie Gray on the verge of tears after the game at Wembley, with his hand on the badge on his shirt, looking up at the stands
    Last time, this time, next time
    Go on, I dare you
    12 Cans
    Flip of a coin