increasing the visibility of visual arts

The Art Court at The First White Cloth Hall

Written by: The Art Court
Photograph by: Stevie Campbell
A photograph of The Art Court at The First White Cloth Hall on Kirkgate, Leeds, showing the exhibition viewed from inside looking out towards the street

Leeds fosters a rich tapestry of talent spanning various arenas, from football and sports to arts and culture. With three universities nurturing a steady stream of art graduates each year, our city is teeming with visual artists. Attracting students and academics from both Britain and abroad, Leeds has become a vibrant hub of creativity, giving rise to renowned figures throughout history.

While Leeds is home to esteemed art institutions like the Henry Moore Institute, the city offers a more modest selection of commercial galleries for art enthusiasts to explore and acquire artworks. This is where The Art Court steps in, providing a welcoming way to buy art.

Through collaborations with artists an d businesses, The Art Court curates captivating exhibitions in stunning spaces across

One such collaborator is Eye Room, an independent optician on Mill Hill in Leeds City Centre. Known for its carefully curated eyewear collection and keen sense of style, Eye Room elevates its offering by hosting a series of solo exhibitions throughout the year. Among these exhibitions is ‘Render Me Chaotic’ by Helen Dryden, running from 2 April to 29 June.

In partnership with Rushbond, Yorkshire-based property developers specializing in heritage buildings, The Art Court presents the exhibition ‘Beyond Colours From Life’ at First White Cloth Hall on Kirkgate in Leeds. This Grade II* listed building, dating back to 1711, once served as a covered hall for trading undyed (white) cloth. There is such a complementary contrast in presenting colourful contemporary art within this historic space where colour was once not permitted. The exhibition is on until 20 April.

For more details and exhibition opening times, visit or follow @the_art_court_ on Instagram. ⬢


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