Nervous riot

Georgie and Archie are dancing to our song

Written by: Simon Rix
Photographs by: Lee Brown
Three photographs side by side of Georginio Rutter and Archie Gray dancing after the win against Leicester, because you can't have too many photos of Georginio Rutter and Archie Gray dancing after the win against Leicester

A famous comeback against a promotion rival, Archie Gray’s first (ish) goal and Bamford’s solo celebration. It’s a perfect night. Even West Stand D12 is standing, singing, going fucking mental. Moments like these at Elland Road aren’t even a once in a season phenomena. I think our fans are right up there with the best, but the number of times I’ve been there with all four sides of the ground bouncing, I can probably count on my fingers (and maybe a couple of toes). Then someone, somewhere, decides to play I Predict A Riot.

After the game I got hundreds of messages from all over the world, congratulating me and asking what it felt like. The truth is, I was really really nervous. Part of me was delighted to have some small part in this moment, but part of me was wondering — what if it spoils it? Would people prefer to hear Marching On Together, or Status Quo? And fucking hell, this first verse is longer than I remember. Who’s idea was that? Finally we get to the first chorus and the roof comes off. I can relax. Georgie and Archie are dancing to our song. All is good, this is amazing.

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