No pressure

Put it all on Gray

Written by: Chris McMenamy
Artwork by: Eamonn Dalton
Archie Gray, looking frighteningly young, hugging Max Dean after scoring a wondergoal against Scum's kids

In the darkness of winter, I want to see Gray. Archie, that is. Yes, he’s sixteen, and yes, he’s injured, but that doesn’t matter. He’ll be back soon and we’re down a midfielder after the devastating departure of Mateusz Klich. Give me cameo appearances from the golden child, because this season is drifting into Neil Warnock territory, but with a Hockaday/Milanic season threat level of relegation.

In the mire of a battle for survival, some inspiration would be nice, a real positive to keep us going. Last year, avoiding the drop was a sort of perverted fun, dancing with the devil after three years of blissful ascendance. This season? Not so much. Alright, we’ve gone from losing by six at Anfield to winning by seconds, but there’s also a thumping at Brentford and that time we made Fulham look like Real Madrid. Let’s face it, Leeds United are standing still in a league where the quagmire between the top six and the mere mortals means stagnation often gives way to boredom, waiting for a (Saudi) prince to come along and sweep you off your feet, rather than any other torso attachments.

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